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ANALISI KADAR CO 2 DAN NO DI BASEMENT TRANS STUDIO MAKASSAR Uswatun Hasanah 1 , Sulasmi 2 , dan Mulyadi 3 ) 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar, 082187523701, ABSTRACT Establishment of basement is becoming popular which is increasing to be parking lot and be a solution of land limitedness issue in nowadays. However, vehicles (in basement) become one of the causes of air pollution that Will have an impact on human health. The objective of this research is to know carbon dioxide levels (CO 2 ) and Nitrogen monoxide (NO) at Trans Studio Makassar's basement as a result of human activity and vehicles emissions that produce CO 2 and NO. The design of this research is observasional research which used descriptive approach through CO 2 and NO measurement on Trans Studio Makassar's parking lot/basement. Air sampling is taken on 7 observation spots that represent whole of the air on the basement. The measur...

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